This houses all the arcane knowledge of the magic of the world of Tellene (the technical name of the world where the Kingdoms of Kalamar are set). Below will be found the geographical locations where certain types and forms of magic are taught.

Each form of magic listed in the Spells & Powers book is available somewhere on Tellene.  Each of the "Systems of Magic" have their own advantages and drawbacks. One advantage that they do have, above and beyond what is already listed for it, is that they forego the need for "mundane" spell components (Magic Jar would require a gem, as it is directly involved in the spell; Flaming Sphere, listed as needing a bit of tallow, a pinch of sulphur and a dusting of powdered iron, would not need any of them, as they are all 'mundane' materials and not integral to the casting of the spell, as the gem is in Magic Jar).

The 'normal' casting and learning of spells is the most common; one of its biggest drawbacks is that most of the spells require a spell component.  Some other component may be substituted, but effects and success varies. 

You can always try to cast a spell with a different spell component than what was needed, but your spell will most likely fail or have other unpredictable, or even harmful, results.

The listing of where certain types of Magic spell systems can be 'found' (i.e., you are most likely to find some practitioner of the system) are listed below, by System of Magic:


System of Magic

Location Practiced

Normal All of Tellene
Channellers Brandobia
The Young Kingdoms
Reanaaria Bay
Warlocks & Witches Brandobia (Theocracy of Pel Brolenon only)
The Young Kingdoms
The Wild Lands
Defilers & Preservers The Wild Lands
Reanaaria Bay (East side only; Khydoban Desert)
Alienists / Summoners Kalamar
The Young Kingdoms
The Wild Lands


Clerical & Druidical Systems of Magic. 

There are 5 Systems of Magic that priests may use (Druids, however, only can only choose from the 'Standard' System of Magic of Druidical [re: Defilers & Preservers]).

The five systems for priests are; Normal, Channeling, Ritual Prayer, Conditional Magic, Druidical Magic (Defilers & Preservers), and where they can be found in practice are listed below:


System of Magic

Location Practiced

Normal All of Tellene
Channeling All of Tellene
Ritual Prayer Brandobia (Theocracy of Pel Brolenon only)
The Young Kingdoms
The Wild Lands (The Queendom of Tharggy only)
Reanaaria Bay
Conditional Magic Brandobia
The Wild Lands
Druidical Magic
(Defiling & Preserving Magic)
All of Tellene

NOTE: Healing spells are handled differently. Please see the section under Rules.